Home | Why Cyprus
- Member of European Union from 2004 and joining the Euro zone from 2008.
- Cyprus is European’s eastern outpost at the crossroads of three continents – Europe, Africa and Asia - providing a gateway to and from each of them. The country’s geographical location has been considered of strategic importance in global trade for thousands of years.
- Cyprus ranks 1st among smaller countries and 5th worldwide in the Safest Countries in the world study.
- Cyprus offers one of the most attractive tax systems in Europe. The country proves a simplified, effective and transparent tax regime that is fully compliant with EU laws and regulations. Cyprus has a network of double taxation agreements with more than 60 countries.
- Cyprus has a comprehensive, modern and forward looking legal and regulatory framework based on English common law principles.

- Cyprus is a dynamic business centre that offers relatively lower operating costs while also providing high level and top-quality professional services.
- The local infrastructure is ideally suited for businesses people who need to get things done. Modern road network, extensive port facilities and two new international airports.
- Cyprus has also established an extensive telecommunications network.
- Cypriots are highly educated, qualified and almost all are bilingual. Most importantly, however, business is still done with personal touch.

- Cyprus offers an enviable lifestyle in a clean and healthy environment with high standards of living. Living and working in Cyprus are directly related to fabulous weather, beautiful nature, culture, safety, security and above all, hospitable and warm people.
- Economic recovery in Cyprus is expected in record time, despite the challenges faced in the last years. Cyprus has managed to turn the page, successfully facing the island’s economic challenges and establishing itself as a thriving business centre.
- The discovery of natural gas resources and possibly oil, has further upgraded the strategic importance of the island.